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with Orbae

Gain deeper insights with Orbae’s advanced solutions. To get started, contact our team.
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AdvanceD solutions

Orbae Pro

Get deeper insights to support your climate roadmap, SBTi reporting and zero-deforestation commitments.
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Assessment of farms and sourcing regions

Evaluate the land conversion risk and LUC emissions of your supply chain.
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What If

Shape your conversion-free strategy by testing what happens when you pull different reduction levers.
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Orbae Pro

More insights for your business

Designed for the corporate user, Orbae Pro unlocks more ways to explore Orbae data for better strategizing, reporting and action-taking.

For access, become a supporter.

Bar chart: Which sources contribute to a product's emissions?


Breakdown of product emissions

Uncover how land conversion, land management, transport and processing contribute to the total emissions of a product.

Forest loss maps

See your historic exposure to forest loss at national and subnational level over the past 20 years, and assess how forest loss varies across the country.

Commodity insights across countries

Get a global perspective on the environmental costs of land conversion for a particular commodity.

Additional dataset years

Improve the quality of your baseline with data calculated for prior assessment years.

More coming soon

We're piloting biodiversity and water risk assessments. To get involved, contact us.

Assessment of farms and sourcing regions

Direct land use change calculation

Make the most of your traceability to the farm or sourcing region with an automated assessment of the land use change emissions of your supplier locations. You’ll get a comprehensive view of your land conversion impacts for any commodity in any country you’re sourcing from.

There's no limit to the number of locations you can provide.

This assessment fits seamlessly with Orbae’s open jurisdiction- and country-level land use change emissions data, as all are grounded in a direct land use change (dLUC) approach.

Leverage the full spectrum of your traceability.

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Ensure consistency across your entire sourcing portfolio.

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Benchmark the performance of your suppliers against the landscape.

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Set and track your SBTi FLAG targets with reliable data.

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How it works

  1. You share your supplier locations.
  2. We clean your input data.
  3. We run the assessment.
  4. We deliver the results.

What if

The Orbae LUC projection tool

Project your land conversion emissions into the future to model your SBTi FLAG reduction path.

With this Excel tool, you can "try on" the actions that are key for your climate strategy.

What does What If take into account?

  • LUC legacy over the past 20 years
  • Deforestation- and conversion-free commitments
  • Certification schemes
  • Cut-off dates
  • Sourcing patterns and growth projections
  • Business-as-usual scenario as a benchmark
  • Expected future deforestation in the absence of targeted interventions

Built on Orbae data and your supplier locations

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Customized with your deforestation- and conversion-free commitments

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Visibility into how certification changes the LUC footprint

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Flexible data input to integrate seamlessly with your internal workflow

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Optional advanced deforestation forecasting that integrates dynamic future conditions

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Onboarding support included

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More solutions

FLAG Database

Get access to the best of both worlds: Detailed land conversion insights from Orbae, coupled with GHG emissions data from land management, transport and processing from top LCA databases like ecoinvent.

Risk assessment and DCF compliance monitoring

Assess if your sourcing aligns with your commitments and understand potential risks, and screen your compliance with regulation at the jurisdiction level.

Integrate Orbae data into your tool

Improve your tool’s data foundation with Orbae’s best-in-class land conversion insights. Commercial and non-commercial licensing options available.

Custom API

Always be up to date with latest Orbae data, plugged directly into your platform.

Capacity building

Equip your team to make the most of Orbae’s insights with hands-on training.


Get direct support from our team of experts to design strategies, assess your risks, track your progress and more.

better data is here

Together we can stop land conversion by 2030.