High-fidelity land conversion data that evolve with your traceability

Your business reality is changing. Your land conversion data should too.

Orbae reveals the environmental impacts of land conversion from agriculture in even the most opaque supply chains.

Working from the ground up, it calculates carbon emissions at a resolution of 30 meters, then combines them to reflect any land area in the world — a farm, a country or anywhere in between.

Whether you have traceability to the farm or no traceability at all, Orbae has insights.


your hotspots

Take action

at scale

Track your progress

towards zero land conversion

How it works

Data built from the ground up

Any time land conversion is observed from space, Orbae attributes it to the right commodity. Field per field.

01. Orbae starts with billions of data points from satellite imagery that show land cover over the past 20 years.

02. It examines the globe in
30-meter pixels, recording changes in land use over time.

03. Pixel by pixel across a 20-year history, Orbae calculates the greenhouse gas emissions for individual agricultural commodities, accounting for the carbon stocks of each ecosystem.

04. Orbae automatically combines the emissions to any area of interest, whether a farm, sourcing region, municipality, state or country.

Find out more

All crops.

Anywhere in the world.

Any level of traceability.

All types of land conversion.

This is our ambition for Orbae.

It’s a work in progress, but we’re well on our way there.

We’re prioritizing the commodities that are well-known drivers of deforestation, then expanding to others.


See your land conversion hotspots like never before

  • Resolution from farm to country level
  • Emission factors for commodity-based products
  • Spatial and temporal patterns by jurisdiction
  • Interactive maps
  • Transparent methodology
  • Historical data and annual updates
  • Clear versioning and update notifications
  • Excel download
Orbae does the accounting so you can spend more of your time taking action in your value chains.

Aligned with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol and Science Based Targets initiative. Fit for reporting — and more importantly, for strategic decision making.

Start-up innovation project supported by Innosuisse, the Swiss Innovation Agency

An innovation from AdAstra Sustainability, experts in environmental accounting, data science, GIS and product development.

We created Orbae because we believe that good decisions start with good data.

Our supporters


Why land conversion

We have less than five years
 to stop converting land
 and start restoring it.

Land conversion makes up roughly 10% of global greenhouse gas emissions — the majority of which come from agriculture. To keep climate change to 1.5°C as set out in the Paris Agreement, we must stop forest loss and protect other natural ecosystems by 2030.

Ending the conversion of natural ecosystems can’t wait for perfect traceability.
With Orbae,

it doesn’t have to.

Ready for better data?

Together we can stop land conversion by 2030.